
Mosaic UK is the latest version of Experian's Mosaic classification covering the whole of the UK and is the most powerful tool of its type.

It classifies all consumers into 61 types, aggregated into 11 groups, painting a rich picture of UK consumers in terms of their socio-demographics, lifestyles, culture and behaviour. Consumers are classified by household or by postcode, thereby enabling quite specific targeting of mailshots.

Data is collected from many sources and different levels of geography.

Council Tax Data

Once the council tax data has been imported, your EARS database will contain the council tax band for about 95% of the properties on the electoral register. The source of the data is up to date and public, but remember:

  1. there may have been recent revaluations
  2. any data matching exercise has the occasional problem
  3. some people may be surprised to find that the council tax band of their property is public information.

You can filter on the council tax band field and include it in data exports, just like any other EARS field.

Not yet got Council Tax and Mosaic data?

The Party has purchased Mosaic data for the whole country and has also sourced council tax band information too.

To get this information added to your EARS data, please send a cheque for £25.00 including VAT, payable to EARS to the address below and email a back-up of your data to Alternatively use our online payment system via the EARS order form.

For further information on Mosaic and council tax data and their uses, please contact campaigns department at Cowley Street, or visit the Party's secure extranet site.

EARS, 36 Norfolk Avenue, South Croydon, CR2 8BN
- 020 8657 3172 -
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